Cobb County Tax Commissioners Office


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CobbTax News
CobbTax Newsletter - Spring 2024-thumbnail      
Spring 2024


Apply for Homestead Exemptions

It's time to apply for Homestead Exemptions! Your application must be received by April 1st to be eligible for the current tax year's exemption.


Temporary TAVT Reduction Expiring

Effective July 1, 2023, the temporary title ad valorem tax (TAVT) reduction provided by the General Assembly in 2020 will expire and the TAVT rate will return to a rate equal to 7 percent of the fair market value of the motor vehicle, as provided in statute.


Tax Sale Notification Alert

If you receive correspondence that your property is going to tax auction, contact the #CobbTax Levy Department at 770-528-8623 for verification. We are here to assist taxpayers and provide customer service excellence.